Helen hits out at lack of off-grid support as energy bill back in Commons

More than 20,000 homes in Shropshire facing a hike in energy bills will get just £100 of Government support due to the Conservative’s energy package failing to account for off-grid homes.
Households that rely on heating oil are facing a £1,200 increase on average in their heating costs while the cost of liquid petroleum gas has also risen. However the Government is offering just £100 in extra help in the Energy Prices Bill which is due to have its second reading in the House of Commons today[MON].
In Shropshire, 22,850 homes use heating oil to keep their homes warm. It means families in the county on heating oil are facing a total increase of £25,135,193 to their bills.
Liberal Democrats are calling for a cap on the cost of heating oil per litre to bring costs down and ensure rural communities are getting a fair deal.
Liberal Democrat MP for North Shropshire Helen Morgan said, “Families in rural areas are being left behind and taken for granted by the Conservatives yet again. This energy package has completely failed to take into account off-grid homes and those who have no choice but to rely on heating oil, which includes entire villages here in North Shropshire.
“I’ve been contacted by lots of constituents who can’t believe they are only being offered £100 when their bills are going up by more than £1,000.
“This Conservative Government has proved time and time again that it doesn’t understand the unique needs of rural Britain. Instead of insultingly low one-off payments, we need long-term solutions like a price cap on heating oil and support for rural homes to cut their heating costs in the future.”