Helen Morgan's Battle for our Buses
Sign the petition below>>>
Helen Morgan is taking her battle for rural bus services to Parliament, with a bill to ensure that rural towns with a population of 10,000 get the bus services they need.
Shropshire has some of the poorest bus services in the country. Residents who don’t drive are often unable to get to medical appointments and some employers struggle to get the staff they need without transport connections. Only one bus route in the Shropshire Council area operates on Sundays. The Government doesn't seem to think rural areas need decent public transport.
Helen disagrees. Her bus bill would ensure there are bus connections 7 days-a-week to hospitals, schools, work-places and railway stations. Buses going from one large town to another would also serve local villages on the way.
You can back her bill by signing below:

Helen Morgan's Bus Petition
"I support Helen Morgan’s campaign to give rural towns and villages the bus services they need."