Helen Morgan's Ambulance Campaign
Sign the petition below>>>
Helen has been the leading voice in Parliament on ambulance delays. Helen also joined a local ambulance crew for a 12-hour shift to see the problem for herself.
Ambulance crews want to get to people faster, but they are forced to spend hours waiting outside hospitals to hand over their patients. As a result, they can’t respond to other 999 calls and people are having to wait hours for an ambulance after suffering injuries and serious illnesses.
The problem requires more investment in social care services, to free up more hospital beds in the long term, and a urgent action to provide more short-term beds in A&E departments.
Please sign Helen's petition calling for urgent Government action:

Helen Morgan's Ambulance Petition
“I'm backing Helen Morgan’s calls for urgent action on social care to help tackle A&E blockages that are causing severe ambulance delays.”