About Helen
Helen Morgan - for North Shropshire
Helen Morgan was elected as Member of Parliament for North Shropshire at an historic by-election in December 2021, overturning a huge Conservative majority. She was re-elected as MP for North Shropshire at the General Election on 4th July 2024 with a 15,133 majority. It was the first time that a non-Conservative won North Shropshire at a General Election since 1832.
Helen and her family have lived locally in Harmer Hill for more than ten years. "It's a great privilege to have been representing the community that I'm part of," says Helen.
Helen has earned a strong reputation for working hard for North Shropshire and listening to local people.
Since being elected, Helen has been campaigning on key issues that affect North Shropshire, such as:
- Ambulance crews having to wait hours outside A&E to hand over their patients - this means they can't respond to more 999 calls;
- Delays in getting GP appointments - Helen is campaigning for an increase in GPs locally;
- A lack of bus services - Helen is fighting for improved bus services for villages and towns in North Shropshire, especially Market Drayton; and
- Supporting local farmers, who are struggling with rising costs and are worried they may have to shut down if the Government's Basic Payment Scheme is replaced.
- It's not just the 'big' issues that Helen has been working on. Helen and her team have helped thousands of individual residents with a wide range of problems and issues.
Helen Morgan is often seen around the towns and villages of North Shropshire, listening to residents and taking up their concerns.
To find out more about Helen's work for North Shropshire, sign up to Helen's weekly email updates here.
You can also follow Helen on Twitter and Facebook: @HelenMorganMP