Helen Morgan criticises government for lack of plan over dental crisis
North Shropshire MP Helen Morgan has criticised the Government for failing to address the crisis in NHS dental care.
North Shropshire MP Helen Morgan has welcomed the backing of a dental practice in Whitchurch for her petition on NHS dental provision.
The MP is calling for reformed NHS contracts, extra training places for new dentists, and changes to the recruitment process so that experienced dentists can work in rural areas.
Green End Dental Practice are supporting the campaign, and have copies of the petition and posters up at their site in Whitchurch for residents to sign.
Helen Morgan, MP for North Shropshire said, “Well over 1,000 residents have now signed my petition on improving dental provision across Shropshire. There is clearly public demand for action, and far too many stories of people unable to access the care they need.
“Speaking to dentists across North Shropshire, many are really supportive of our efforts. I’m especially thankful to Green End Dental Practice in Whitchurch who have copies of the petition for people to sign.”
Stephanie Leach, Green End Dental Practice Manager added, “We are desperate to be in a position to offer more places on our NHS Active List, however this cannot be done until NHS Dentist vacancies are filled.”
Residents of Whitchurch and the surrounding area can either sign the petition online at https://www.helenmorgan.org.uk/dental or by signing a copy at Green End.