Cancel energy price rise and save Shropshire families £200 million

The Government must cancel October energy price rise and save families in Shropshire nearly £200 million, MP Helen Morgan has said.
The North Shropshire MP has called on the Government to spare families from soaring energy bills by cancelling October’s price cap increase, accusing the Conservatives of “stalling in the face of a national emergency”.
The Liberal Democrat plan would save a typical household in Shropshire an extra £1,679 a year. The 70% increase in the energy price cap expected to be announced by Ofgem later this month would be cancelled, with the Government instead paying the shortfall to energy suppliers so that they can afford to supply customers at the current rates.
This would mean a total estimated saving for households in Shropshire of £198.5 million off their electricity and gas bills.
The Liberal Democrats say the estimated £36 billion cost should be met by expanding the windfall tax on oil and gas company profits, and using the Government’s higher-than-expected VAT revenues as a result of soaring inflation.
The party is also calling for more targeted support for vulnerable and low income households. This would include doubling the Warm Homes Discount to £300 and extending it to all those on Universal Credit and Pension Credit, while investing in insulating fuel poor homes to bring prices down in the long term.
North Shropshire MP Helen Morgan said: “Everyday I’m contacted by more constituents who are already struggling with daily costs and are now pleading for help to cope with the energy bill rise.
“From pensioners to parents to those living on their own, this is affecting people of all backgrounds in North Shropshire and across the country. People I speak to all have two things in common: they are worried for their families and they don’t believe the Government is doing enough to help them.
“This is a national emergency and yet again the Conservative Government is missing in action.
“Those struggling can’t afford to wait for a new Conservative leader, they need policies that will put money back in their pockets now – starting with immediately cancelling the planned rise in energy bills.”